Rare Clams and Miniature Mellon Shells with Peridot and Topaz
Rare Clams and Miniature Mellon Shells with Peridot and Topaz
Rare Clams and Miniature Mellon Shells with Peridot and Topaz
Rare Clams and Miniature Mellon Shells with Peridot and Topaz

Rare Clams and Miniature Mellon Shells with Peridot and Topaz

Regular price $1,295.00 Sale

Ooh! Ooh!  Peridot and Topaz of Blue, neat seashells too!  Cats' Eyes? ET? Just, fun, modern art for your ears.  Rare Clams and miniature Mellon Shells set with Peridot and London Blue Topaz - Vermeil Clip/Post Earrings -  Drop 2.5" from post